Semut Writes

Saya mau belajar menulis. Cita-cita saya adalah mengubah dunia menjadi lebih baik melalui tulisan. Blog ini adalah tempat latihan saya. Bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris akan dipakai disini.

I'm learning to write. I do want to be a good writer and through writing I hope to change people for the better. This blog is my writing training ground. I will use both Indonesian and English languages here.

Sabtu, 23 Februari 2008

Otakku 20': First Edition

I intend to push my writing training a little further, so I set up a plan for myself, called Otakku 20' (My Brain 20'). This plan is about daily spending twenty minutes of my time to write something, anything. The writing will be posted here, and the languages to be used are Indonesian and English, not necessarily alternatingly.

Twenty minutes will be the approximate time starting from the time I set myself in front of a computer to write or after I have my notebook and pencil ready. But the gathering of thoughts in my mind may take place before that. After all, one the purpose of my writing is to pour out what I have to say about something while practicing my skills, rather than practicing skills as the main purpose.

During the twenty minutes, I'm free to do anything to produce a writing. However, I must remember the steps I ought to take each time I initiate to write. The first is organizing my thoughts, I should jot down the points I intend to convey, develop a flow of reasoning or style, and developing the points. This may take five to ten minutes. Secondly, I should start writing, putting those points to words, choosing the words and sentences carefully. This may take about ten minutes. Lastly, I should review what I wrote. Evaluating the points, the purpose of the article, the logical flow or the artfulness, proofreading. Also I should re-examine the choice of words and sentences. This part may take five minutes. These are just theories that presently come to my mind. I'm not sure how it would turn out later. Most likely I will allocate minimal time to review, too much time to think or write. But let's just see how it would turn out.

The forms of writing I would choose could me argumentative, narrative, expository, descriptive, even poetry (admittedly, I'm not familiar with the forms of writing). The themes could be my personal experiences, current issues, thought exercise, faith, etc.

Later, when I writing would have become a habit, maybe I would select some themes from this daily article to be developed further. Articles which I find to be interesting will be posted to my other blogs which have more familiar audiences.

Time's up. See you later!

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